How does QHA Trent Accreditation work?
QHA Trent works with the aim of concluding all processes of accrediting health facilities positively or negatively within 3 months. This process, which takes approximately two years in many accreditation systems, is concluded very quickly by including healthcare facility officials and employees.
The accreditation process also provides opportunities for the healthcare facility to develop new high-quality and patient-safe policies, practices and procedures.
During on-site evaluations, the QHA Trent expert team visits the institution to evaluate more than a thousand measurable criteria. During the evaluation procedure, it touches every part of the organization, along with physical inspections and review of records, as well as interviews with staff, patient and management. Thus, a complete evaluation of the effectiveness of the patient safety and quality system of the health facility is made.

How does QHA Trent Accreditation work?
QHA Trent works with the aim of concluding all processes of accrediting health facilities positively or negatively within 3 months. This process, which takes approximately two years in many accreditation systems, is concluded very quickly by including healthcare facility officials and employees.
The accreditation process also provides opportunities for the healthcare facility to develop new high-quality and patient-safe policies, practices and procedures.
During on-site evaluations, the QHA Trent expert team visits the institution to evaluate more than a thousand measurable criteria. During the evaluation procedure, it touches every part of the organization, along with physical inspections and review of records, as well as interviews with staff, patient and management. Thus, a complete evaluation of the effectiveness of the patient safety and quality system of the health facility is made.